Suhas tends to befriend and like anyone after a few meetings, but there are a few favourites with whom he truly enjoys spending his time (ofcourse apart from his mom and dad). This coveted title goes to his pranav mama, naveen mama and sanjeev(a boy next door).

This is pranav mama with suhas in his engagement. While we were in Delhi, suhas used to wait for pranav to come back home from office and laugh hysterically playing peekaboo with him.
This is him with naveen mama spending time away happily. Suhas likes to play with his nose and bite it making it all red in the process and his mama actually allows him to do that. Wonder why he chose that particular nose.

Suhas smiles from ear to ear when he sees this guy and jumps eagerly to play with him. These days sanjeev spends his evenings with suhas and tries to teach him ride a bicycle. They both settle down to watch tv after some time with suhas shifting to his books inbetween.